الأسطورة السوداء: استراتيجيات معركة زعيم ووكونغ - الفصل 2: حكيم الرياح الصفراء العظيم

في "الأسطورة السوداء: ووكونغ"، هناك ما يقرب من مائة نوع من الزعماء وملوك الشياطين، يشار إليهم عادةً باسم وحوش النخبة و BOSSes. يتمتع هؤلاء الأعداء بآليات مختلفة ولا يتشاركون في الهيئات، مما يتطلب من اللاعبين التكيف مع كل عدو. فيما يلي دليل استراتيجية BOSS الكامل لـ "الأسطورة السوداء: ووكونغ"، على أمل مساعدة جميع اللاعبين. ملاحظة: الشبح هو نسخة النخبة من الوحوش الصغيرة ولا ينتمي إلى فئة BOSS؛ فهو مدرج تحت الشياطين الصغيرة في "Travelogue". لذلك، لم يتم تضمين هذا النوع في هذا البرنامج التعليمي. للاطلاع على استراتيجيات محددة، يمكنك الرجوع إلى دليل المبتدئين "الأسطورة السوداء: ووكونغ" شبح "الأسطورة السوداء: ووكونغ".

موقع مجلة السفر

 Located below the entry for the Demon King in the second chapter of the travelogue, “Shi Gandan.” 

موقع محدد

 لا بد أن تواجه القصة الرئيسية. 

توصية BD

ركز بشكل أساسي على أسلوب تثبيت الجسم، ثم أشر فقط إلى تشكيلات العصي الثلاث، ويمكنك القيام بالباقي وفقًا لتفضيلاتك الخاصة. 

تحليل التقنيات والتدابير المضادة

 The location of the second travelogue entry is below the Crazy Tiger.

Compared to the previous BOSS, the second final BOSS, Yellow Wind Great Sage, may be the only major BOSS that can stall players for a while.

The Yellow Wind Great Sage fights with a long-handled weapon, and the combat styles in the first and third phases differ greatly. In the first phase, players are in a relatively passive position and need to wait for the Yellow Wind Great Sage to finish a combo before they can attack. In the second phase, players need to be very proactive; otherwise, they will be slowly worn down by the Yellow Wind Great Sage’s endless combos.

However, unlike the flexible and variable playstyle of the Tiger Vanguard, the move set of the Yellow Wind Great Sage is relatively rigid and can be countered by backboarding.

In the BOSS battle, run directly to the side of the Yellow Wind Great Sage. In the first phase, the Yellow Wind Great Sage basically only uses two sets of combos. Just remember them a little, and standing behind the Yellow Wind Great Sage at all times makes it easy to dodge. After each combo, go in and deal some damage.

Moreover, the resilience of the Yellow Wind Great Sage is not high, and you can interrupt combos at any time with the last hit of a basic attack or a heavy attack. It is recommended not to use too many spells in the first phase, saving mana for the second and third phases. Use transformation in the third phase instead; if you get a bit more skilled in the first phase, you can easily deal damage.

When the health is reduced to two-thirds, the Yellow Wind Great Sage will enter the second phase and begin to summon the Divine Wind. At this point, we need to quickly move away from the Yellow Wind Great Sage’s location.

After officially entering the second phase, the first move of the Yellow Wind Great Sage is definitely to swing his arms forward, launching a long-range attack towards the player. However, the actual distance of this move is quite short; as long as the player keeps their distance, there’s no need to roll. If the player is closer, they should first run to the sides and then roll.

After using the previous move, the Yellow Wind Great Sage will swing his weapon in place, causing a wide-range attack. This is a three-hit combo. The first hit can be avoided if you are far enough away. The second hit will appear directly next to the player, jumping up and swinging the weapon downwards, and then he will turn around and swing the weapon at the player, which is the third attack and also the most threatening one.

Players need to observe the timing of the Yellow Wind Great Sage’s weapon swings to dodge. The first two attacks can be avoided by positioning, while the third attack requires rolling.

After the above combo ends, the Yellow Wind Great Sage returns to normal mode, and the surroundings will be trapped by a whirlwind. This means that the boss room shrinks in the second phase, and the Yellow Wind Great Sage can hide in the wind at the boundary before attacking the players again.

At the beginning of the second phase, it is recommended not to attack and to continue dodging the attacks until you see the Yellow Wind Great Sage attempt to kick the player but fail; that’s when you should strike. This is a grappling technique, and to dodge it, you need to carefully observe the wind-up. If you fail to dodge, you will lose nearly a full health bar, which is not proportional to the damage you have dealt to the Yellow Wind Great Sage during this time.

Moreover, the Great Sage of Yellow Wind will only use a throw technique after completing a full combo, so the safest way is to keep your distance and wait until he has used his throw technique before going in to attack.

Continue to stick to the back of the Yellow Wind Great Sage while using the 投技. During this time, pay attention to the Yellow Wind Great Sage’s loud roar, which will summon the 蝜蝂 to charge at the player. You can easily dodge it from a distance.

The assault technique hidden in the sandstorm is difficult to see because the Yellow Wind Great Sage becomes invisible in the sand, making the error rate for dodging such combos very high.

When the health drops to one-third, the Yellow Wind Great Sage enters the third phase, where it starts using a large amount of sword energy to attack players from a distance. At this point, both sides are in poor condition, and the Yellow Wind Great Sage will also unleash attacks you may not have seen before. Transforming to gain an extra health bar can increase your margin for error and allow you to observe other skills, finishing off with Broad Wisdom.

أسطورة سوداء: استراتيجيات معركة زعماء ووكونغ - زعماء الفصل 2

أضف تعليق

البحث حسب العلامة

المزايا التحليل المظهر الفنون السمات الحقيبة الوحش أسود الفرع السحابة التجميع المقارنة المحتوى الضرر شيطان مفصلة صعبة المساوئ التنين سهولة العناصر العدو إرلانج الجوهر شرح العين القتال القتال حريق التدفق كاملة لمحة الذهب رائع الدليل اليد مخفي عالية الحصان التفسير مقدمة الحديد لا رجعة فيه جينشي الملك المستوى الخط قائمة الموقع السحر الخريطة العرفان الطريقة قرد التحركات أسطورة الحصول على الزي اللعب المؤامرة نقطة البرنامج التوصية أحمر مجموعة المشاركة المشاركة الأخت السماء صغيرة الروح انقسام مرصع بالنجوم عصا الحجر الاستراتيجية البدلة التدريس الاختبار النمر الوقت الإرشادات برنامج تعليمي النوع فتح القفل الطليعة الموجة الأسبوع أسبوعياً أبيض الرياح الدودة ووكونغ أصفر يين يوانانشينغكونغ يو نيان شينغكونغ يو نينغشيا يو نينج شيانج كونج يو مينج شينج كونج
