Black Myth: Wukong Boss-Kampfstrategien - Kapitel 2: Boss König Fledermaus

In "Black Myth: Wukong" gibt es fast hundert Arten von Bossen und Dämonenkönigen, die gemeinhin als Elitemonster und BOSSes bezeichnet werden. Diese Feinde haben unterschiedliche Mechaniken und keine gemeinsamen Skins, so dass sich die Spieler an jeden Feind anpassen müssen. Im Folgenden finden Sie einen vollständigen BOSS-Strategie-Leitfaden für "Black Myth: Wukong", der allen Spielern helfen soll. PS: Das Gespenst ist eine Eliteversion der kleineren Monster und gehört nicht zur BOSS-Kategorie; es ist im "Reisebericht" unter den kleineren Dämonen aufgeführt. Daher ist dieser Typ nicht in diesem Tutorial enthalten. Spezifische Strategien finden Sie im Einsteigerhandbuch für das Gespenst in "Black Myth: Wukong".

Reisetagebuch Standort

 Located below the entry for the Demon King in the second chapter of the travelogue, “Little Li Dragon.” 

Spezifischer Standort

Defeat the Yellow Robe Official and head to the hidden country of Sihari. The Mantis is the final BOSS of this hidden map. You can check the side quest process of the Yellow Robe Official in “this guide.” 


 Dingfeng Pearl, Tongtian Horn 1. 


Konzentrieren Sie sich vor allem auf die Technik der Körperbefestigung, zeigen Sie dann nur noch die drei Stockformationen, und den Rest können Sie nach Ihren eigenen Vorlieben machen. 

Analyse von Techniken und Gegenmaßnahmen

 The cockroach is located below the little dragon in the travelogue of the demon king’s directory.

Starting from the Land Temple at Zhen Shiping, keep walking straight ahead. After crossing the fence, you will see a drunken pig. Defeating the Stone Man will unlock a shop where you can purchase a Sobering Stone. Then, carry the Sobering Stone and talk to it.

At the entrance of the Hidden Tiger Temple, go up the stairs and walk to the right front to encounter the pig again. Talk to it and give it a commonly found malicious lotus root, then teleport to the place where you first met to start the battle with the Yellow Robe Official. Defeat him to enter the Kingdom of Yinsihari, and continue forward to trigger the battle with the cockroach.

The sandworm will initially burrow into the sand and then rush out to slam into the player. When it’s about to slam down, you can roll to avoid it; the roll duration is quite long, making it not very difficult to dodge.

After the beetle emerges, attack its two front claws; this is the only place where you can deal damage. Be mindful of the claw attacks. It is recommended to turn off the lock-on feature, as it can cause many of the player’s attacks to miss, and the claws have a large target area, making lock-on less important at this time. The beetle’s other attack wind-ups are quite obvious, so dodging is not very difficult.

The only threatening skill of the sand bug is its ability to burrow into the sand and continuously attack us in fragments; we can only observe the ground, and when we see special effects appearing on the surface, we should stay away from the effect area and pay attention to the reactions.

Once we have consumed half a tube of blood from the mosquito, the plot will be triggered. We will climb onto it and interact with the Buddha head to take the treasure while the mosquito is stunned. At this point, the Yellow Wind Great Sage will also join the battle, and the difficulty of the subsequent fight will decrease significantly. We just need to defeat the mosquito together with the Yellow Wind Great Sage.

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