黒衣神話:悟空 第2章のヒントとチュートリアル:シャメン村、村の入り口


After the headless man left, he walked along the water and saw a small wooden bridge.

First, go up the mountain on the right until you reach the end, where you can obtain the 【Wine】 from the stone tablet. Then return to the small wooden bridge and go left.

Starting from the small wooden bridge, if you continue along the water until the end, you will see a large frog in a big pit. Don’t worry about it for now; we will go past it from the other side later.

 We first take the land route, turn left up the mountain, and encounter the earth temple.

Walking up the mountain along the wooden plank road, I encountered the Land God Temple. The temple has new items available for purchase. The initial weapon unlocks another upgrade path “Beast Staff,” and equipping the forge unlocks the 【Black Gold Set】.

Walk across the bridge from the Land Temple, and you will arrive at Shamen Village. We will explore Shamen Village later.

The path to the left in the image will lead us to the road beneath the bridge; let’s explore this road under the bridge first.

Walk along the road under the bridge, and upon encountering the dog, you learn through conversation that his recipe was swallowed by the big frog.

 You can also reach Shamen Village by going up the stairs on the left, let’s go later.

Go down to the big pit on the right to catch the big frog “Wave in the Waves,” and obtain the 【Dan Fang】 antidote. Then return to give it to the Dog of the Night, and the Land God Temple will unlock the alchemy function, allowing you to synthesize pills using medicinal materials.

黒衣の神話:悟空ボス戦攻略法 第2章:海の波

Still encountering the Dog of the Earth here, next to where the Dog of the Earth stands, there is a small path. Walking over, there is a meditation cushion next to a small pavilion.

第2章 究極のヒントとチュートリアルマスタリング 黒い神話:悟空



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