
在《黑色神话:悟空传》中,有近百种 BOSS 和妖王,俗称精英怪、BOSS。这些敌人拥有不同的机制,并且不共享皮肤,需要玩家去适应每一个敌人。以下是《黑色神话:悟空传》完整的BOSS攻略,希望能对广大玩家有所帮助。PS:幽灵是小怪的精英版,不属于BOSS范畴,在 "游记 "中列在小妖之下。因此,本教程不包括这一类型。具体攻略可参考《黑色神话:悟空传》幽灵新手指南。


 Located below the entry for the Demon King in the second chapter of the travelogue, “Stone Vanguard.” 


Shigandang is located in the area to the left front of the Land God Temple at Zhen Stone Flat, and it is necessary to collect six Buddha Eye beads from the Fengshan Hollow area to activate the battle. 


Iron Heart 1, Exquisite Inner Dan 1, Receiving Essence 1, Spiritual Essence 1358, Silkworm Silk 3. 

BD 建议



Shigandang is a more agile version of Stone Vanguard, capable of wide-ranging leap attacks. Other attack methods are basically identical to those of Stone Vanguard. It is still recommended to first collect six Buddha Eye Pearls to activate Shigandang and Stone Vanguard’s combat, and then reap the benefits.

Because the attack patterns are basically the same, the method to defeat Shi Gandan is no different from that of Shi Xianfeng; it also involves continuously hitting Shi Gandan during the long recovery time after his attacks, slowly whittling down his health. When fighting this BOSS, you must not be impatient and maintain a high margin for error.



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