
在《黑色神话:悟空传》中,有近百种 BOSS 和妖王,俗称精英怪、BOSS。这些敌人拥有不同的机制,并且不共享皮肤,需要玩家去适应每一个敌人。以下是《黑色神话:悟空传》完整的BOSS攻略,希望能对广大玩家有所帮助。PS:幽灵是小怪的精英版,不属于BOSS范畴,在 "游记 "中列在小妖之下。因此,本教程不包括这一类型。具体攻略可参考《黑色神话:悟空传》幽灵新手指南。


 Below the entry for “Demon Wolf” in the second chapter of the travelogue. 




 Spirit Essence, 【Refined Soul】 Sha Erlang (missed the second round) 

BD 建议

 Mainly focus on the body-fixing technique, then just point out the three stick formations. 


This is a two-person BOSS. The Sand King is smaller in size and often uses ranged attacks on players from the edge during battle, but the damage is relatively low. Sand Erlang wields a large hammer with a long handle, has a larger physique, and has a noticeable wind-up before attacking, but deals high damage.

The order in which the Sand King and his son are killed will also affect the subsequent plot and rewards. If you kill Sand Erlang first, the Sand King will escape. You will lose the 【Essence of Sand Erlang】 but will be able to activate the boss battle with Sand Dalang.

If you kill the Sand King first, Sha Erlang’s strength will increase. Defeating Sha Erlang will grant you Sha Erlang’s essence and the item [Sand King’s Flesh] to activate the boss battle with Sha Dalang.

To receive the full rewards, you must first defeat the Sand King and then defeat Sand Erlang. This way, you can obtain Sand Erlang’s essence and also activate the boss battle with Sand Dalang.

Because the strength of Sha Erlang increases significantly after defeating the Sand King, we need to reduce Sha Erlang’s health to one-third at the start of the battle, controlling the health while the difficulty is low.

Then find the stone pillars where the Sand King is hiding in the battlefield, and hide behind the pillars to guide Sand Erlang to smash the pillars with his weapon.

Seeing the Sand King fall, go straight in for a flurry of attacks, repeat this process until the Sand King is defeated, and finally take down the previously weakened Sand Er Lang. This battle ends.



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