黑色神话:悟空传》第二章攻略与演练:压魂崖、藏风山洞 (1)

黑色神话:悟空》的关卡设计相当复杂,各种隐藏的惊喜散落在地图的各个角落,稍不留神就很容易错过。在此,笔者将为《黑色神话:悟空传》制作一份全面的探索指南,详细介绍隐藏的 NPC 支线任务、隐藏关卡、隐藏 BOSS、重要收集物等,并结合主线故事情节进行路线规划讲解。我将尽我所能为您指引一切,尽量少走弯路,确保完整的叙事体验。

(本文已尽可能精简,减少了剧情描述,以减少剧透。不过,在提及 BOSS 名称和角色名称时很难避免一些剧透。建议您在游戏中遇到他们之前不要阅读以下内容)。

Take the path on the right to cross the bridge and arrive at the Soul-Restraining Cliff.

Walk through the gate of the canyon and arrive at the Land Temple. On the way to the Land Temple, investigate the glowing Buddha head to obtain the 【Buddha Eye Pearl】.

 There is a dark path to the left of the land temple, I’ll go there later.

 Let’s first explore the area on the right under the sunlight.

 Walk straight to the end on the right, and retrieve the exquisite inner elixir from the coffin under the tree.

Go back a little, there’s a staircase nearby that you can climb to get a treasure chest.

 Continue up the stairs to the top and obtain the second 【Buddha Eye Pearl】.

After coming down from the steps, I saw a ravine nearby, and on the left side of the ravine, I obtained the third 【Buddha’s Eye Pearl】.

 Then go down to the valley, walk along the valley to the end, and encounter the Stone Man.

This area is quite large, and let’s mention a convenient landmark for positioning – the small stone bridge. First, find the small stone bridge, and right below it is this ravine.

I found firebell seeds under this thick tree near the small stone bridge, probably dropped randomly.

At the end of the valley, I met a stone man who said there was a stone spirit in a nearby cave, so we went to look for this stone spirit.

Continue exploring the area under the sunlight, and you will reach the next land shrine, but let’s not go there just yet. First, let’s return to the “Cangfeng Mountain Hollow” land shrine and take the dark path on the left, which will also lead us to the next land shrine.



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