黑色神话:悟空传》第二章攻略与演练:压魂崖、藏风山洞 (2)

黑色神话:悟空》的关卡设计相当复杂,各种隐藏的惊喜散落在地图的各个角落,稍不留神就很容易错过。在此,笔者将为《黑色神话:悟空传》制作一份全面的探索指南,详细介绍隐藏的 NPC 支线任务、隐藏关卡、隐藏 BOSS、重要收集物等,并结合主线故事情节进行路线规划讲解。我将尽我所能为您指引一切,尽量少走弯路,确保完整的叙事体验。

(本文已尽可能精简,减少了剧情描述,以减少剧透。不过,在提及 BOSS 名称和角色名称时很难避免一些剧透。建议您在游戏中遇到他们之前不要阅读以下内容)。

Return to the land temple, this time take the dark path on the left.

 Before entering, there is a hole under the wooden shelf on the right, where you can collect spiritual essence.

 There are three paths after entering.

 Turn left and go up to get the fourth 【Buddha Eye Bead】.

There is a treasure chest and a coffin to the right, leading to an area under the sunlight that we have just explored.

 After exploring both the left and right sides, return and delve deeper into the cave.

After passing through the cave, you will see the guiding light to the next earth temple. Exit to the right into the sunlight, and that’s the next earth temple. We’ll go there later.

On the left, there are spiritual essences to collect, then take the path on the left to find the stone essence in the cave.

On the way to the Stone Spirit, defeat these stone monsters that emit blue flames to obtain the 【Essence】 Stone Shuangshuang.

The Stone Spirit (Stone Mother) doesn’t move, but be careful, if you hit it, a bunch of stone monsters will come out to interfere with you.

黑色神话:悟空 BOSS 战攻略 - 第 2 章:石母

 After defeating the Stone Mother, you will obtain the 【Essence of Stone】.

After defeating the Stone Mother, don’t rush to leave; go outside to get the fifth 【Buddha’s Eye Pearl】.

Return to the ravine, give the essence of the stone to the person in the stone, and he actually tells you to get lost. Give him a beating and he’ll behave. You will obtain the spell “Azure Dust,” which allows you to transform into a Stone Spirit after equipping it in the Land Temple.

Refresh at the land temple and come back, then you can buy many good things from the Stone Man here.

You can buy 【Brewed Alcohol Item】 Iron Bullets, 【Rare Item】 Golden Flower Jade Petals, and 【Wine Awakening Stone】. It’s recommended to buy the Wine Awakening Stone first as it’s a quest item. Don’t buy the Golden Steady Beast; you’ll find the price drops by half after purchasing, and you’ll feel cheated, haha.



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